lots of trn problems

Chip Salzenberg chip at tct.uucp
Wed Dec 19 07:38:25 AEST 1990

According to sef at kithrup.com (Sean Eric Fagan):
>Not meaning to be disrepectful to either the author nor Rich, but trn was
>the *worst* package I've ever played with from the net.

And similarly without disrespect, Sean must not have played with
sources from the same newtwork as I have.

It's true that trn has problems, but let's not exaggerate its faults
beyond the truth.

>My next complaint with it is that it has the articles in reverse order when
>listing them for thread selection, and if you bypass that, you are at the
>last article, instead of the first.

I don't understand this complaint; my thread selection seems to be in
increasing order by posting date.
Chip Salzenberg at Teltronics/TCT     <chip at tct.uucp>, <uunet!pdn!tct!chip>
"Please don't send me any more of yer scandalous email, Mr. Salzenberg..."
		-- Bruce Becker

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