My part 9 of trn corrupted

Gregory G. Woodbury ggw%wolves at
Sat Dec 8 15:41:58 AEST 1990

In <1990Dec6.224605.20861 at> efwjr at 
(Ellsworth Warmouth (813)530-2882) writes:
>In article <2633 at> hanst at 
(Hans Trompert) writes:
>>rob at mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US (Rob Boldbear) writes:
>>->Part 9 of trn just posted to comp.sources.unix was corrupted on my system.
>>->Could someone please email me a copy? Thanks.
>>Same here. But it doesn't look corrupted, it's just not complete.
>>So maybe a resend is inorder here ?
>Yes the tail end of the file is missing here also. The size of the shar
>is only 37k as compared to 60k for the rest of the parts. The following
>modules are also missing when the shars are unpacked:

Funny thing!  Both the original and the reposted file are just fine at
this site!  Here's the header and a summary of the contents.

>Path: wolves!mcnc!gatech!psuvax1!wuarchive!uunet!!rsalz
>From: rsalz at (Rich Salz)
>Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
>Subject: v23i068:  TRN, version of RN that follows conversation threads, Part09/14
>Message-ID: <3051 at>
>Date: 3 Dec 90 20:28:00 GMT
>Organization: BBN Systems and Technologies, Cambridge MA
>Lines: 1437
>Approved: rsalz at uunet.UU.NET
>Submitted-by: Wayne Davison <davison at>
>Posting-number: Volume 23, Issue 68
>Archive-name: trn/part09
>---- Cut Here and unpack ----
># this is part 9 of a multipart archive
># do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
># file mt.check.SH continued
>:	<most of shar deleted>
>chmod 0660 ndir.NOPSIS
>exit 0 # Just in case...
>Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz at
>Use a domain-based address or give alternate paths, or you may lose out.

It will be in the Wolves Den archives in just a couple of days.
Gregory G. Woodbury @ The Wolves Den UNIX, Durham NC
UUCP: ...dukcds!wolves!ggw   ...mcnc!wolves!ggw           [use the maps!]
Domain: ggw at     ggw%wolves at
[The line eater is a boojum snark! ]           <standard disclaimers apply>

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