My part 9 of trn corrupted

Gert Kanis gert at targon.UUCP
Thu Dec 6 20:48:54 AEST 1990

In article <2633 at> hanst at (Hans Trompert) writes:
>rob at mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US (Rob Boldbear) writes:
>->Part 9 of trn just posted to comp.sources.unix was corrupted on my system.
>Same here. But it doesn't look corrupted, it's just not complete.
>So maybe a resend is inorder here ?
I guess that would apply, it's the same here with trn part 9.
please repost.
Gert Kanis,     Siemens Nixdorf Infosystems BV, Netherlands
		gert at targon.UUCP  (intern: kanis.via)

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