Calentool V2.1p6 bug.

Liz Allen-Mitchell liz at
Wed Feb 28 04:36:00 AEST 1990

indra at (Indra Singhal) writes:
>In article <1990Feb23.203855.16020 at> liz at (Liz Allen-Mitchell) writes:

[something rather unclear... ;-) ]
>Well, Thank you Liz for letting me know. I am in a situation where I
>depend on calentool and am going nuts trying to fix this problem. How do I
>back track and fix the problem? I swear, I will never use delete on a note
>again :-)


Sorry, I got things a little mixed up...

When you delete a recurring appointment (by selecting "delete" or "cut"
on the right button menu), a menu pops up which asks you if you want
to remove the appointment for just this occurrence or for all occurrences.
If you select all occurrences, everything works fine.  But, if you
select just this occurrence, you can get the symptoms you described: a
triangle in the middle of a blank entry like the one that appears at
the end of an entry.

My "solution" is really a work around.  I never delete just one
occurrence in a note because things get really confused.  For the lines
with times, I just ignore the random little triangles.

By the way, if you want to see such an entry, choosing "undelete" from
the menu ought to do it.
		- Liz Allen-Mitchell	liz at
"God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." -- 1 John 1:5b

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