Calentool V2.1p6 bug.

Ted Frohling @ CCIT-Telcommunications, University of Arizona tsf at
Wed Feb 28 08:54:36 AEST 1990

In article <1990Feb27.173600.25962 at> liz at (Liz Allen-Mitchell) writes:
>When you delete a recurring appointment (by selecting "delete" or "cut"
>on the right button menu), a menu pops up which asks you if you want
>to remove the appointment for just this occurrence or for all occurrences.
>If you select all occurrences, everything works fine.  But, if you
>select just this occurrence, you can get the symptoms you described: a
>triangle in the middle of a blank entry like the one that appears at
>the end of an entry.

Most strange my version of Calentool V2.1p6 doesn't ever display any funny
triangles anywhere. 

Oh well.  I have another problem with Calentool.  On my sun running 4.0.3
and monochrome monitor (if it matters) when I do a week at a glance view
the shortened entries are ended with a `A' written over the vertical bar
to the right of the entry... like Staff meetinA.  I believe that I've put
in all the patches.  Everything else works ok.  

Ted Frohling                               Internet: tsf at
Network Support                            BITNET:   tsf at arizrvax.BITNET 
CCIT - Telecommunications                  AT&T:     (602) 621-4834
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721

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