Out of inodes while unbatching news

Conor P. Cahill cpcahil at virtech.uucp
Tue Jul 3 21:10:44 AEST 1990

In article <586 at fnx.UUCP> del at fnx.UUCP (Dag Erik Lindberg) writes:
>    [story of running out of inodes deleted]
>The details: The system is a Mylex 20 Mhz w/64k cache, 8 MB memory, ATI
>VGA wonder.  I have unbatched news with no serial ports installed in the
>system, same problem.  I have tried a DTC RLL card, WD 7000 FASST SCSI card,
>Adaptec 1542 SCSI, and all have shown the same problem.  I am currently
>running ISC Unix.  I have stripped down the system to just the video card
>and the disk controller to try to find this problem.

The only pertinent portion of this is the Operating system and you don't 
specify the version.  

This inode thing is a known bug that as far as I know was fixed in version
2.0.2 of 386/ix (I have been running news on a partition without running
out of inodes for a year).

There is a binary patch for microport unix that is reputed to work correctly
for 386/ix.  If you want to try it, send me email & I will send it to you.

Conor P. Cahill            (703)430-9247        Virtual Technologies, Inc.,
uunet!virtech!cpcahil                           46030 Manekin Plaza, Suite 160
                                                Sterling, VA 22170 

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