Out of inodes while unbatching news

Frank Kaefer - Sun Germany CSD - Munich fkk at wynge.Central.Sun.COM
Tue Jul 3 19:43:01 AEST 1990

del at fnx.UUCP (Dag Erik Lindberg) writes:

| In a nutshell: When news is unbatching, at some point the number of free
| inodes suddenly goes to zero, and the news starts trying to fill the bit
| bucket on the floor.  Killing rnews, unmounting the file system, fsck'ing,
| and remounting brings back the free inodes.  The problem occurs at a random
| time, from a hundred articles to a couple of thousand articles.  The problem

I have EXACTLY the same problem ! And I am also extremly desperate.
My machine is a AT386 running Interactive IX 2.0.2. If anyone has
any idea, I would be very glad to get some help.

Frank Kaefer          |  SUN Microsystems GmbH  |  Phone:  (+49) 89 46008-321
German Answer Center  |  Am Hochacker 3         |  FAX:    (+49) 89 46008-400
Datacomm              |  D-8011 Grasbrunn       |
e-mail: fkk at Germany.Sun.COM     (...!sun!sunuk!sungy!fkk)
        fkk at sunmuc.UUCP         (...!unido!sunmuc!fkk)
        suninfo!fkk             fkk at stasys.sta.sub.org

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