Stevie 3.69a ascii.h

Matthew T. Day mday at
Fri Mar 16 15:20:41 AEST 1990

Here's an ascii.h file I threw together to compile Stevie 3.69a.  This might
not be entirely portable, so beware.

Also, compiling Stevie 3.69a on my System V Release 3.2 machine went fairly
smoothly, but I had to change the outstr() function to use tputs() function
so it wouldn't print the tty delay string all over the place.  After that,
it seems to operate quite nicely, until I attempt to move my cursor into
a section of the file that doesn't exist, and then the program hangs.  Has
anyone dealt with this yet?

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/* ascii.h - Matthew T. Day (mday at */

#define NUL 0
#define ESC 27
#define BS '\b'
#define NL '\n'
#define CR '\r'
#define TAB '\t'

#ifndef CTRL		/* Some systems may have CTRL() already */
#define CTRL(chr) (0x1f & (chr))
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- Matthew T. Day, Sanyo/Icon International, mday at

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