Ephem - CBREAK, etc. under System V.3??

Joseph E Poplawski jpoplaws at telesci.UUCP
Sat Mar 17 08:47:14 AEST 1990


I was trying to compile Ephem4.12 that was just posted to the net, and while
compiling, I received a couple of errors that I do not know how to rectify.
A script is included below by signature below.  

My system is an 80386 running ISC (1.0.5) UNIX Sys V.3.

Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Joseph E Poplawski (Jo)
Home:  5 Sussex Drive, Willingboro, NJ  08046-1407    Phone:  +1 609 835-2846
UUCP:  ...{rutgers!rochester!moscom,princeton,pyrnj}!telesci!fantasci!jep

Script started Thu Mar 15 22:57:54 1990

$ make
	cc -O -c io.c
"io.c", line 86: FIONREAD undefined
"io.c", line 230: CBREAK undefined
*** Error code 1


Script done Thu Mar 15 23:00:29 1990
jep at fantasci.uucp  jpoplaws at telesci.uucp

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