Problems with "." in filenames with Unix 'lharc'

Harry Langenbacher harry at neuron1.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
Sat Mar 17 03:31:01 AEST 1990

In article <637445274.6082 at> mj at (Michal Jaegermann) writes:
>From article <8795 at>, by jjsc at (John Cullen):
>>   stuff about filename problems with lharc, deleted
>In a function which writes header (write_header ?) there is a call ... deleted
>you want probably undefine macro STRICT. ...
>	Michal Jaegermann

so I made these changes to lharc.c :
< #define STRICT
> /* #define STRICT */

< void userbreak(void)
> void userbreak()

<   printf("\nC-LHarc for %s Version 1.00   (C) 1989-1990 Y.Tagawa, Kai Uwe Rommel\n"
<          "\nUsage: %s {axevlufdmctp}[qnftv] archive_file [files or directories...]\n",
>   printf("\nC-LHarc for %s Version 1.00   (C) 1989-1990 Y.Tagawa, Kai Uwe Rommel\n\
> \nUsage: %s {axevlufdmctp}[qnftv] archive_file [files or directories...]\n",

several more changes like that deleted, and finally:

< copy_archive(src, dst)char *src; char *dst;
> copy_archive(char *src, char *dst)

It compiles and runs ok on my sun 3/160 OS 4.0.3 . I could compile lharc.c with -O
and use -O4 on lzhuf.c lhio.c . Using -O2,3,4 on lharc.c always gets a core dump from
executing lharc.

 I love the compression ratio, but - I get core dumps when I do

lharc c arcname directoryname

what I have to do is:

lharc c arcname directoryname/*

which works just fine, except in one caes where directoryname/* was all directories,
which also dumped core, forcing me to do:

> foreach direct (installed/*)
? lharc a installed.lzh $direct/*
? end

which also worked fine.

Does anyone know how to get lharc to handle directory names without barfing ?


- Harry Langenbacher 818-354-9513
harry%neuron1 at
harry at

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