Problems with "." in filenames with Unix 'lharc'

John Cullen jjsc at
Tue Mar 13 23:09:11 AEST 1990

Has anyone else used the 'lharc' program recently submitted to c.s.misc?
I successfully compiled the code and was quite happy with the program (nice
compression ratio :-) however there seems to be a bug (or maybe I've missed
something obvious). When a file with any kind of extension (or in fact any
character in the name *other* than the basic alphanumeric set) is added to
the archive the "." (or whatever else) is (apparently) removed. Unfortunately
I have been unable to then retrieve the file from the archive. Kind of
annoying if you know what I mean :-)

Has anyone else noticed this problem, and better still, got a solution?!
The program works fine for straight filenames without extensions etc, but
that's all. I know one solution would be to rename all files that are
archived to remove the "."'s but that would be a pain...

Any help from anyone out there would be appreciated (oh, an English version of
the doc file would be nice too, if anyone should happen to have translated it!)

Thanks in advance,

John Cullen                     || JANET : jjsc at
System Support Group            || ARPA  : at
Informatics Department          || BITNET: at ukacrl
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory  || UUCP  : {...!mcvax}!ukc!rlinf!jjsc
Chilton, Didcot, Oxon. OX11 0QX || VOICE : +44 (0)235 821900 ext 6555  

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