Official Sc6.9 -> Sc6.10 patches (Please Apply) (1 of 2)

Marco S Hyman marc at
Fri Nov 2 19:48:54 AEST 1990

In article <7326 at> dave at writes:
    Where can I get the full current distribution of SC?

Several have asked the same question.  It's not ftp, but you can anonymously
UUCP sc (and a few other things) from dumbcat.  Login info follows.


To reduce disk usage the dumbcat archives are compressed and split tar
files.  Most tar files over 128000 bytes long (emacs, for example) are split
into 128000 byte chunks.  Grab all of the chunks, cat them into one
compressed tar file, uncompress, and un-tar.  With gnu tar you can do
something like

	[uucp smail-01 and smail-02]
	cat smail-{01,02} | tar xzvf -

which uncompresses and untars the archive in one step without requiring
copious amounts of disk space or worrying about proper ulimits.

NOTE: The files live in the directory ~src NOT ~.  A typical UUCP command
would be:

      uucp dumbcat\!~src/file.Z file.Z

dumbcat UUCP info:  Add one of the following to your L.sys/Systems file:

    dumbcat Any ACU 9600 14157850194 "" \d\r in:--in: nuucp word: guest
    dumbcat Any ACU 2400 14157850194 "" \d\r in:-BREAK-in: nuucp word: guest
    dumbcat Any ACU 1200 14157850194 "" \d\r in:-BREAK-in:-BREAK-in: nuucp word: guest

Note: dumbcat speaks 9600 at V.32 -- sorry, this is not a Telebit modem.

(Grab dumbcat!~/INDEX for a complete list)

~src/sc-01		Spreadsheet calculator version 6.10
thru sc-02		153495 bytes -- last part is 25495 bytes

// marc
// marc at
// {ames,decwrl,sun}!pacbell!dumbcat!marc

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