Sc6.8->Sc6.9 patches (REPOST)

Simon J Gerraty sjg at
Fri Nov 2 10:21:16 AEST 1990

Sc6.8 was posted some weeks ago now.
I got all of it except part 01.
Having tried several times to send e-mail to the author without
success, I sat back and waited to see if it would show up or
someone would announce an archive site etc etc.
Now we have seen 6.8->6.9->6.10 and I am still stuck with 4.1

So, could some kind soul _please_ e-mail me part 01 of sc6.8.
Or the completed 6.10 would be nice :-)
Also what about an FTP site for sc?

Simon J. Gerraty		<sjg at>

#include <disclaimer,_witty_comment>

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