C News patch of 7-Sep-1990

Arnold Robbins arnold at audiofax.com
Wed Sep 19 02:53:37 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep17.164545.1603 at zoo.toronto.edu> henry at zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) writes:
>  Patches are very awkward for dealing with
>certain kinds of changes, like moving files around, and the list of things
>needing such reorganization is growing.  This will also simplify a few
>relatively drastic changes that might cause very bloated patches, e.g.
>the new inews.

I made the following suggestion once in e-mail, but as Henry didn't reply, I
suspect the mail got lost and he never got it.

I suggest that a "patch" to produce the cleanup release consist of two parts.

	1) A shell script that accomplishes the reorganization, such as
		making new directories
		deleting things to be deleted
		moving things that need to be moved

	2) A normal context diff to produce new or changed things.  Or, new
	   things could go into a shar/here-document in part (1), and just
	   the changes go in the context diffs.

This allows one to keep continuity, without overly bloating the patches.
Just a suggestion, but one that I hope will at least be considered.
Arnold Robbins				AudioFAX, Inc. | Laundry increases
2000 Powers Ferry Road, #200 / Marietta, GA. 30067     | exponentially in the
INTERNET: arnold at audiofax.com Phone:   +1 404 933 7600 | number of children.
UUCP:	  emory!audfax!arnold Fax-box: +1 404 618 4581 |   -- Miriam Robbins

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