C News patch of 7-Sep-1990

Heiko Blume src at scuzzy.in-berlin.de
Fri Sep 21 09:49:26 AEST 1990

henry at zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) writes:
>In <1990Sep13.203645.12937 at scuzzy.mbx.sub.org> (Heiko Blume {me}) writes:
>>since cnews has become really stable, i would suggest posting the
>>whole thing soon. that would also be an opportunity to start using
>>release numbers and patchlevel.h etc...

>Actually, the relative stability over the summer has been more a matter
>of lack of time than lack of changes to make.  Expect more patches this

ah, everything's relative :-) however i'd like to mention that at least
two major sites here (feeding some dozen systems) run really smooth with
cnews, especially because of the *great* space checking / queuing features!

>At some decidedly ill-defined point, we plan what we're currently calling
>the "cleanup release".  This probably *will* appear in its entirety, for
>a fairly fundamental reason.  Patches are very awkward for dealing with
>certain kinds of changes, like moving files around, and the list of things
>needing such reorganization is growing.  This will also simplify a few
>relatively drastic changes that might cause very bloated patches, e.g.
>the new inews.  Given the reasons for the cleanup release, it will and
>must be a break with continuity:  there will be no patches to bring an
>old system up to it.

well, thanks for clearing this up, i think this answers many questions.
i look forward to it!

>Please do not ask when the cleanup release will be, because we don't
>have a date for it.  It won't be next week and probably won't be next
>month; I don't recommend delaying conversions and/or updates in hopes
>that it will soon appear.

you'll be ready with it when you're ready with it :-) like with the
GNU stuff, i think most people agree, it's much better to wait (and patch :-)
until the authors think it's 'perfect' rather than pressing for some

thanks for this great piece of software !
Heiko Blume c/o Diakite   blume at scuzzy.in-berlin.de   FAX   (+49 30) 882 50 65
Kottbusser Damm 28        blume at scuzzy.mbx.sub.org    VOICE (+49 30) 691 88 93
D-1000 Berlin 61          blume at netmbx.de             TELEX 184174 intro d
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