C News patch of 7-Sep-1990

Anton Aylward anton at bkj386.uucp
Wed Sep 26 11:09:53 AEST 1990


	Who pays you ?

	What do they pay you to do ?

	Does anyone pay you for the explicit purpose of maintaining
	software, writing library modules that are AT&T compatible but 
	outside the copyright ?

	Have you received any recompense specificly rleated to CNews ?

	How much time do you devote per week/month to Cnews, 
	and the other things you contribute to the net?

	Can you ask Geoff the same questions please.

(remind me I owe you lunch next time we meet)

/anton aylward			Analysis Synthesis Consulting Inc.
				anton at analsyn.uucp
				"Proud to know Henry"

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