C News patch of 7-Sep-1990

Henry Spencer henry at zoo.toronto.edu
Fri Sep 28 03:10:54 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep26.010953.6109 at bkj386.uucp> anton at analsyn.UUCP writes:
>	Who pays you ?

U of Toronto, more specifically its Zoology department.

>	What do they pay you to do ?

Run their computer facilities, and help departmental users of those
and other computer facilities.

>	Does anyone pay you for the explicit purpose of maintaining
>	software, writing library modules that are AT&T compatible but 
>	outside the copyright ?

Only insofar as it aids the above, which means pretty rarely.

>	Have you received any recompense specificly rleated to CNews ?

Let's see, grateful users bought me dinner once. :-)  More seriously,
some of the early work on C News was "official" because B News was killing
our machines and we needed something better.  Now that it is running
satisfactorily here, it's rare for C News work to be job-related in any
way that would justify spending much time on it.

>	How much time do you devote per week/month to Cnews, 
>	and the other things you contribute to the net?

Difficult to say.  Probably several hours a week.

>	Can you ask Geoff the same questions please.

Not really necessary, the answers will be pretty similar.
TCP/IP: handling tomorrow's loads today| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
OSI: handling yesterday's loads someday|  henry at zoo.toronto.edu   utzoo!henry

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