C News patching scheme

arrakis stealth at caen.engin.umich.edu
Thu Sep 20 02:44:58 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep17.010600.11421 at vicom.com> lmb at vicom.com
	(Larry Blair) writes:
>In article <1990Sep13.203645.12937 at scuzzy.mbx.sub.org> src at scuzzy.mbx.sub.org
	(Heiko Blume) writes:
>=since cnews has become really stable, i would suggest posting the
>=whole thing soon. that would also be an opportunity to start using
>=release numbers and patchlevel.h etc. (i like files like cnews-1.0.tar.Z :-)
>Patch _numbers_?  In C News?  What a novel idea!

I rather like the C-news patching scheme.  What do people find so unpleasant
about it?

Michael V. Pelletier            | "We live our lives with our hands on the
 CAEN UseNet News Administrator |  rear-view mirror, striving to get a better
 Systems Group Programmer       |  view of the road behind us.  Imagine what's
                                |  possible if we look ahead and steer..."

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