C News patch of 7-Sep-1990

Heiko Blume src at scuzzy.in-berlin.de
Thu Sep 20 08:49:34 AEST 1990

lmb at vicom.com (Larry Blair) writes:
>I'll bet the reason
>this time will be "It's too late to change."

it's never too late! :-) by *posting* a cnews realease 1.0 and starting to
call the patch files patch1 instead of ptch!@#(@!)something (:-) {which 
shouldn't be too hard in the first place} he peobably would also save him
from answering lots of mails/articles about what patches have been issued
etc pepe. he'd also make the life of source archivers (like me) much easier.

>One of the statements that Henry has made repeatedly is that C News not
>supposed to be the universal news transport system.  The fact is that more
>and more sites are switching to C News and the refusal to accept the problems
>generated by C News are propogating.  My favorites are: exceedingly long
>message id's, accepting of old news with no check, and insufficient logging
>for statistics generation.

there are no problems -- only solutions :-)

>I think that Henry and Geoff need to accept that fact that their software, in
>the absence of anything better, is becoming the net standard and act in a
>manor that is responsible and consistent with the rest of the net.  The time
>has come for normal patch levels and reasonable message id's.

yeah! apart from that i think that cnews is quite sophisticated and when
the bug regarding old news is fixed, anybody should be quite happy with it!
(i and many other people are already, i bet!)
Heiko Blume c/o Diakite   blume at scuzzy.in-berlin.de   FAX   (+49 30) 882 50 65
Kottbusser Damm 28        blume at scuzzy.mbx.sub.org    VOICE (+49 30) 691 88 93
D-1000 Berlin 61          blume at netmbx.de             TELEX 184174 intro d
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