nntp 1.5.10 patch kit available

Stan Barber nntp at tmc.edu
Tue Sep 4 05:25:52 AEST 1990

The patch kit to turn NNTP 1.5.9 into NNTP 1.5.10 is now available from
the archive-server at bcm.tmc.edu

Send a mail message to "archive-server at bcm.tmc.edu" with the following message

send public nntp.patch.10.pt1.shar
send public nntp.patch.10.pt2.shar



Stan           internet: sob at bcm.tmc.edu         Director, Networking 
Olan           uucp: {rutgers,mailrus}!bcm!sob   and Systems Support
Barber         Opinions expressed are only mine. Baylor College of Medicine

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