smail-2.5 fix for domain gateway routing

Richard E. Depew red at
Fri Feb 1 13:40:31 AEST 1991

     This discussion seems to have come full circle.

     Unless I've misunderstood, Smail 2.5 handles domains correctly, at
least at patchlevel 3.

     A paths file entry of:
.site.domain	gateway!%s
fed an address of user at results in a path of:

    Isn't that what it is supposed to do?

    Could it be that the "problem" was already fixed in the first
three patches?  A "patched" kit is available by anonymous ftp from  The "smart-host" function also works in this
version, unlike the patchlevel 0 version archived at many places.

Dick Depew
Richard E. Depew                     uunet!aablue!{redpoll,neoucom}!red
Village of Munroe Falls, OH.         red at (home)
NEOUCOM, Rootstown, OH.              red at (work)

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