smail-2.5 fix for domain gateway routing

Mark Moraes moraes at
Fri Feb 1 04:04:36 AEST 1991

In articles <1991Jan23.061830.19719 at>,
<1991Jan24.030228.7639 at iguana.uucp>, <1991Jan30.195213.12815 at eci386.uucp>
"nicer" paths to xenitec have been suggested, possibly because of a
misunderstanding of what Greg and I were discussing by email.  (part of
which was quoted in <1991Jan14.234354.8055 at eci386.uucp>).

We weren't discussing the path to xenitec -- we were discussing the way
smail-2.5 interprets (or misinterprets!) what it finds in pathalias
output for domain gateways.  xenitec was merely an example -- all data
was being quoted from Greg's pathalias output.  To restate my email to
Greg with a little more context:

If the pathalias output contains a line of the form	lsuc!utai!watmath!%s

then smail-2.5 seems to route the address user at as
lsuc!utai!watmath!user, which is wrong.

For the pathalias output above, smail-2.5 should route
user at as lsuc!utai!watmath!!user.
Whether this is optimal or convenient is beside the point! :-)

Greg's fix was intended to correct the bug in smail2.5.


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