engformat in sc 6.9

Dugal James P. jpd at pc.usl.edu
Thu Feb 21 10:15:47 AEST 1991

In article <1991Feb19.224208.10633 at tc.fluke.COM> lowell at tc.fluke.COM (Lowell Skoog) writes:
>Question:  Is Jeff Buhrt no longer supporting SC?  This is the first
>time I've heard about version 6.12.  I'd like to track the most
>"official" copy available.

pc.usl.edu is the "official" home of the latest ftp-able SC.
Jeff sends me updates periodically so I can make them available to
the Internet.  He has also posted a list of UUCP SC archivers.

-- James Dugal,	N5KNX		Internet: jpd at usl.edu
Associate Director		Ham packet: n5knx at k5arh
Computing Center		US Mail: PO Box 42770  Lafayette, LA  70504
University of Southwestern LA.	Tel. 318-231-6417	U.S.A.

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