engformat in sc 6.9

Lowell Skoog lowell at tc.fluke.COM
Wed Feb 20 09:42:08 AEST 1991

In article <25419 at rouge.usl.edu> jpd at pc.usl.edu (Dugal James P.) writes:
>Instead of porting/patching 6.9, why not start with 6.12 instead?
>You can ftp it from pc.usl.edu as pub/unix/sc6.12.tar.Z

Question:  Is Jeff Buhrt no longer supporting SC?  This is the first
time I've heard about version 6.12.  I'd like to track the most
"official" copy available.

Lowell Skoog  M/S 223B                             lowell at tc.fluke.COM
John Fluke Mfg. Co. Inc.        {uw-beaver,microsoft,sun}!fluke!lowell
P.O. Box 9090
Everett, WA, USA  98206-9090                            (206) 356-5283

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