Help - Compiling ecu3

Stephen J. Walick steve at nshore.uucp
Sun Jan 13 15:03:19 AEST 1991

As quoted from <4396 at ubbs-nh.MV.COM> by noel at ubbs-nh.MV.COM (N. Del More):

|                      error at link stage concerning
| _calloc being defined twice in /lib/386/Slibc.a(calloc.o) and one
| fatal error in ecuutil.c about unresollved externals by /bin/ld
| concerning _memmove.

After days of trying to "hack" at the source, I've finally given up
and this article by N. Del More is about the same problem that I've
encountered, viz., "calloc.o".  It's been driving me buggy!  Does
anyone have an insite as to why I too am receiving this "_calloc"
error.  THANKS to anyone who can help out with this.

Regards....  Steve Walick


Stephen J. Walick, Asst Sysop of the  < XBBS >  program  at  NCoast.ORG
{uunet|backbone}!!nshore!steve        nshore!steve at

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