Help - Compiling ecu3

Warren Tucker wht at n4hgf.Mt-Park.GA.US
Thu Jan 17 08:30:09 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jan13.040319.7912 at nshore.uucp> steve at nshore.uucp (Stephen J. Walick) writes:
>As quoted from <4396 at ubbs-nh.MV.COM> by noel at ubbs-nh.MV.COM (N. Del More):
>|                      error at link stage concerning
>| _calloc being defined twice in /lib/386/Slibc.a(calloc.o) and one
>| fatal error in ecuutil.c about unresollved externals by /bin/ld
>| concerning _memmove.
>After days of trying to "hack" at the source, I've finally given up
>and this article by N. Del More is about the same problem that I've
>encountered, viz., "calloc.o".  It's been driving me buggy!  Does
>anyone have an insite as to why I too am receiving this "_calloc"
>error.  THANKS to anyone who can help out with this.

Bug reports to the author are soliticted in the README and may prove
helpful :-).

1 On some or all XENIX, there is no memmove: Add -DDUFF to the CFLAGS.

2. -lmalloc is broken on some/most XENIX.
   a. edit ecu.h and comment out the line '#define MALLOC_3X'
   b. remove -lmalloc from the LDFLAGS assignment in the make file

3.  The M_TERMCAP redefinitions are a result of how you installed
curses when you installed XENIX.  The SCO curses.h file should
test for #ifdef M_TERMCAP before defining itself, but it doesn't.
The code will compile/work properly despite the warnings.
Warren Tucker, March Hare   gatech!n4hgf!wht or wht at n4hgf.Mt-Park.GA.US
"Tell the moon; don't tell the March Hare:  He is here to look around."

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