Memory fault problem with rkive...

Kent Landfield kent at sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
Sun Mar 3 23:15:35 AEST 1991

In article <1991Mar3.075411.2541 at coplex.uucp> dean at coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) writes:
>    Well, we have been running the rkive utility for our archive for
>over a year now, and I recently installed the newest version that
>posted to comp.sources.misc recently.
>    Unfortunately, I have come across a VERY annoying memory fault that
>was not present in the first version.  The newest version seems like
>it is trashing memory somewhere with a spastic pointer or something.
>    It croaks when fed the "MDG - PATCH 1" that was posted to
> in the past day or so.  Try feeding it to your
>version and see if it happens.
>"The Facts Please:"
>1)  The error is in the "article" program.  After displaying the
>        CORRECT headers for the article read in, it will dump core
>        with a memory fault.
>2)  Lint says everything looks PERFECT.  I mean it looks good, and
>        our lint is fairly strong.
>3)  When compiled with "-g" the damned problem goes away, so I havent
>        been able to find where it is occuring.  Turning off optimization
>        doesn't help.    
>4)  We are running SYSV.3.2 on Motorola (8864) 88100, and are using
>        the Green Hills 88000 compiler, which is a DAMNED good
>        compiler; I never have optimization problems with programs, etc.
>        Every time I have seen a program do this with our compiler,
>        it has been a spastic pointer problem...
>Any one else seen this?    
I will be out of town, leaving in ten minutes, no kidding. As soon as I
get back on Thursday I will, as General Powell said, "hunt them down
and kill 'em." :-) Sorry I can't get on it today.. Real work.. :-(

Kent Landfield                   INTERNET: kent at sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
Sterling Software, IMD           UUCP:     uunet!sparky!kent
Phone:    (402) 291-8300         FAX:      (402) 291-4362
Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent at

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