Memory fault problem with rkive...

Dean Brooks dean at coplex.uucp
Sun Mar 3 17:54:11 AEST 1991

    Well, we have been running the rkive utility for our archive for
over a year now, and I recently installed the newest version that
posted to comp.sources.misc recently.

    Unfortunately, I have come across a VERY annoying memory fault that
was not present in the first version.  The newest version seems like
it is trashing memory somewhere with a spastic pointer or something.

    It croaks when fed the "MDG - PATCH 1" that was posted to in the past day or so.  Try feeding it to your
version and see if it happens.

"The Facts Please:"

1)  The error is in the "article" program.  After displaying the
        CORRECT headers for the article read in, it will dump core
        with a memory fault.

2)  Lint says everything looks PERFECT.  I mean it looks good, and
        our lint is fairly strong.

3)  When compiled with "-g" the damned problem goes away, so I havent
        been able to find where it is occuring.  Turning off optimization
        doesn't help.    

4)  We are running SYSV.3.2 on Motorola (8864) 88100, and are using
        the Green Hills 88000 compiler, which is a DAMNED good
        compiler; I never have optimization problems with programs, etc.
        Every time I have seen a program do this with our compiler,
        it has been a spastic pointer problem...

Any one else seen this?    

dean at coplex.UUCP   Dean A. Brooks
                   Copper Electronics, Inc.
                   Louisville, Ky
UUCP: !uunet!coplex!dean

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