
klaus u schallhorn klaus at cnix.uucp
Thu Mar 14 21:17:44 AEST 1991

I'm working [in my spare time] on version 1.0 of faxpak. To
do so I moved it to the 4/60 and found a bug. In fntwrite.c,
function prt_bmchr(c) you should change the for loop to:

	for (i=0; i<bm_len; i++, cury++)
#ifdef	sparc
		d = (short *)block[cury];
		d += (curX/2)>>3;
		d = (short *)&block[cury][curX>>3];
		*d = *s++;

This prevents core files eating up your disk.

You will also have to *force* Cols to 1728 in pbmtog3.c when
using the sierra option. My comment in pbmtog3.c says this,
I guess when I modified pbmtog3.c my mind wandered - and my
fingers followed it.

You need rom revision 3.* with touchbase's 2496, shipping now.
zoom's are supposed to be ok [I'm waiting for an evaluation
modem], xecom promised to ship an evaluation board today.

The xenix box I'm supposed to port him to sits right here. I'll
do that once version 1.0 is done [do people actually use
"micnet", or how are {3,4}86s actually networked? We currently
use uucp via copper wire.

George Orwell was an Optimist

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