Idea for useful utility

utzoo!utcsrgv!newman utzoo!utcsrgv!newman
Sun Apr 17 17:22:48 AEST 1983

I offer the following as a useful challenge for a nroff/troff utility
that I think would be a worthwhile hack. Would it be possible to have 
a program to read in nroff or troff input and tell you what options to
use when nroff/troffing it? E.g. it could tell you whether to use ms or
me, whether you need tbl, col, eqn, etc and in what order to do this?
People who don't use these programs a whole lot (like me) get a bit lost
when they receive text for input to a formatter (like over the net) and
there are no instructions for formatting it. Also these programs are
very expensive to experiment with to get the right options. If you can
whip something up, please post to net.sources. Thnx in advnx.

Ken Newman
Univ. of Toronto

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