Idea for useful utility

utzoo!decvax!harpo!seismo!rocheste!ritcv!kar utzoo!decvax!harpo!seismo!rocheste!ritcv!kar
Tue Apr 19 08:24:34 AEST 1983

Regarding the idea for the "here's a file, now what formatting options should I
use to format it" utility:

	How about this variation on the theme:  Each file that does not use
the (installation dependent) "standard" options should begin with the 

	command required to format this file

Then the only utility you'd need would be one that looked for the command and
executed it.  I've thought about doing this for my own use; I am not a novice
with formatting but often forget what is needed for a file I've not looked at
in a year or so.  It's not enough of a bother for me (yet) to take the few min-
utes it would require to write it.

	Ken Reek, Rochester Institute of Technology

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