chall, recursive chown, chgrp - (nf)

utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!sdcattb!sdcarl!rusty utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!sdcattb!sdcarl!rusty
Sun Apr 24 14:45:15 AEST 1983

From: rusty
i find your excuse for not using find pretty feeble.
how often does one need to do what chall does? i've
used find to do this several times, i'd say at most
on the average of once every 4 months. hardly seems
worth the trouble of keeping around an extra program
and its manual page, every time i'd want to use chall
i'd have to read its manual page to remind me how it

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