Yet Another Request.

utzoo!decvax!harpo!seismo!presby!burdvax!psuvax!psupdp1!jdi utzoo!decvax!harpo!seismo!presby!burdvax!psuvax!psupdp1!jdi
Thu Apr 21 18:49:23 AEST 1983

	Sorry to have to put this here, but I couldn't think of a better place.

	To be brief (what a relief, eh?)  having been subscribed to netnews
for only about 2 months, I am in need of the various programs posted in
net.sources in the past year.  Therefore, if anyone could send me a copy
(source please, this machine is an 11/34!) of the following, I would be very
appreciative.  (Usually all my requests channel into /dev/null somewhere!)

"netnews" version B.

"mkpath" version whatever.


(if it IS public) "notesfile" version whatever.

	Thank you very much,

			John Irwin

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