Another XLISP patch (oh well)

utzoo!decvax!betz utzoo!decvax!betz
Wed Apr 13 11:04:20 AEST 1983

            Another Patch for XLISP Version 1.0

It turns out that there is another  fairly  serious  problem
with  the version of 'xlobj.c' that I sent out with the most
recent  xlisp  distribution.   The  problem  occurs  when  a
subclass   is   created.   When  a  subclass  adds  instance
variables to those in its superclass (which it almost always
does),  xlisp  doesn't  know  how to find those new instance
variables correctly (or the old ones from the superclass for
that matter).  In order to solve this problem, the following
routine should be inserted into  the  distribution  copy  of
'xlobj.c' replacing the routine with the same name.
Another Patch for XLISP Version 1.0                   Page 2

/* findvar - find a class or instance variable */
static struct node *findvar(obj,sym)
  struct node *obj,*sym;
    struct node *cls,*lptr;
    int base,varnum;
    int found;

    /* get the class of the object */
    cls = obj->n_obclass;

    /* get the total number of instance variables */
    base = getivcnt(cls,IVARTOTAL);

    /* find the variable */
    found = FALSE;
    for (; cls != NULL; cls = xlivar(cls,SUPERCLASS)->n_listvalue) {

        /* get the number of instance variables for this class */
        if ((base -= getivcnt(cls,IVARCNT)) < 0)
            xlfail("error finding instance variable");

        /* check for finding the class of the current message */
        if (!found && cls == msgclass->n_symvalue)
            found = TRUE;

        /* lookup the instance variable */
        varnum = 0;
        for (lptr = xlivar(cls,IVARS)->n_listvalue;
             lptr != NULL;
             lptr = lptr->n_listnext)
            if (found && lptr->n_listvalue == sym)
                return (xlivar(obj,base + varnum));

        /* skip the class variables if the message class hasn't been found */
        if (!found)

        /* lookup the class variable */
        varnum = 0;
        for (lptr = xlivar(cls,CVARS)->n_listvalue;
             lptr != NULL;
             lptr = lptr->n_listnext)
            if (lptr->n_listvalue == sym)
                return (xlcvar(cls,varnum));

    /* variable not found */
    return (NULL);
Another Patch for XLISP Version 1.0                   Page 3

After replacing the 'findvar' routine, 'xlobj.c'  should  be
recompiled and xlisp should be relinked.

Sorry about that!

David Betz

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