Uucp activity summary - awk script

utzoo!decvax!genrad!linus!sch utzoo!decvax!genrad!linus!sch
Wed Apr 13 11:13:16 AEST 1983

Here is a little ditty to summarize up uucp traffic.
To run:
	awk -f uusum </usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG
for you 4.1bsd folks, just will do:
	uusum </usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG
You could even have cron run it and mail you the results.

--------------------- uusum ----------------------------
#! /bin/awk -f
# Summarize uucp activity.
# Record format in SYSLOG:
# $1   $2     $3        $4   $5   $6     $7    $8    $9
# USER SYSTEM Date/Time sent data NBYTES bytes NSECS secs
		if( $4 == "sent" ) {
			txbytes[$2] += $6;
			txtime[$2] += $8;
			txsystem[$2] = $2;
		if( $4 == "received" )  {
			rcsystem[$2] = $2;
			rcbytes[$2] += $6;
			rctime[$2] += $8;
		print "Data sent";
		printf " system         bytes   time      rate (cps)\n";
		printf "--------------------------------------------\n";
		for ( i in txsystem) {
			t = txtime[i];
			n = txbytes[i];
			printf "%-10s %10d ", txsystem[i], n;
			printf "%4d:%02d:%02d ", t/3600, (t%3600)/60,t%60;
			printf "%10.2f\n", n/t;
			intotal += n;
			intime += t;
		printf "Total sent : %d bytes (%d:%02d:%02d)\n\n", intotal, intime/3600, (intime%3600)/60, intime%60;

		print "Data received";
		printf " system         bytes   time      rate (cps)\n";
		printf "--------------------------------------------\n";
		for ( i in rcsystem) {
			t = rctime[i];
			n = rcbytes[i];
			printf "%-10s %10d ", rcsystem[i], n;
			printf "%3d:%02d:%02d ", t/3600, (t%3600)/60, t%60;
			printf "%10.2f\n", n/t;
			outtotal += n;
			outtime += t;
		printf "Total received : %d bytes (%d:%02d:%02d)\n\n", outtotal, outtime/3600, (outtime%3600)/60, outtime%60;
		total = intotal + outtotal;
		time = intime + outtime;
		printf "Grand Total : %d bytes (%d:%02d:%02d)\n", total, time/3600, (time%3600)/60, time%60;

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