PLEASE READ: Short wizards/sources protocol note

utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!lime!we13!otuxa!ll1!sb1!burl!rcj utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!lime!we13!otuxa!ll1!sb1!burl!rcj
Wed Apr 20 09:17:35 AEST 1983

Folks, when posting an article concerning a bug (excuse me, a feature),
posting sources, anything along these lines, \PLEZ PLEZ/ indicate,
in the subject line preferrably, (a) what flavor of unix you are running,
(b) what machine you are running on.  It makes life much easier for
those of us who don't run 4.1BSD, for instance, not to have to read
an 80+ line bug fix article only to find out that it pertains to csh
or some other Berkeley-only feature.  Thanks for your time here, and
many thanks to those already using something like (4.1bsd on Vax 11/780)
in their subject lines -- you have saved me immeasurable time and effort!!

The MAD Programmer -- 919-228-3814 (Cornet 291)
alias: Curtis Jackson	...![ floyd sb1 mhuxv ]!burl!rcj

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