vmshow break-out - (nf)

vahe at iuvax.UUCP vahe at iuvax.UUCP
Sat Dec 3 13:30:17 AEST 1983

iuvax!vahe    Dec  2 10:22:00 1983

The problem mentioned in the previous article about "vmshow" can
get real nasty.  I changed it myself (I'm the guy that wrote the beast)
by simply commenting out all the catch stuff for SIGQUIT.  There seems
to be a race condition, where if you give it a control-C, it ignores
it, AND any subsequent ones.  So if you have vmshow, comment
out the lines saying "sigset(SIGQUIT,cleanup)" and similar things;
or do as the previous article suggests, and change the sigignore
in cleanup() to sigrelse.

yours, Vahe Sarkissian
UUCP : {ihnss | ihnp4}!inuxc!iuvax!vahe
CSNET: Vahe at Indiana

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