Anyone want a DEUNA driver?

Rick Spanbauer rick at sbcs.UUCP
Sun Dec 4 11:14:17 AEST 1983

	I am preparing to release a driver for DEC's DEUNA Ethernet
	controller.  The initial driver works under 4.1bsd, with
	a 4.2 driver to follow once we have 4.2 in house (blasted
	Berkeley agreement tied up our copy).

	One question:  What is the true scoop regarding distributing
	this sort of software to the net?  The driver was written
	from the ground up; I did view other driver sources while
	coding it.  If you have a definite answer, I would appreciate
	hearing from you.

	Anyways, if you can use the driver, send me mail.

						Rick Spanbauer
						SUNY/Stony Brook
						(516) 246-7090

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