Introduction to Graphics Data files: scenes, objects, details, etc.

Ken Turkowski ken at turtleva.UUCP
Sat Dec 17 07:19:23 AEST 1983

The files in the data subdirectory are all asscociated with objects and
the world that they lie in.  They supply the artistic as well as the
geometric specifications of the scene.  I have not tried playing around
with much more than the scene (*.scn) files.

The coordinate system used in these files is right-handed, with X to
the right, Y back, and Z up.  If you don't scale the objects very much,
10 is a suitable distance to view the objects from.  At first I just
moved the eyepoint around, then, when I got a better feel for the
spatial relationships of the objects, I started moving the objects.
This data subdirectory is the last part of the distribution, save
perhaps a couple of test files that I have produced.

If something gets lost in the distribution, please let me know.
Have fun.

			Ken Turkowski
		    CADLINC, Palo Alto


*.scn:		Scene descriptions.  This includes placement, size,
		orientation, and color of the objects, center of interest,
		eye view point, placement and color of light sources.
*.obj:		Gross (superficial) specifications of the object: display
		routine, ponter to detail file, quality of object (smooth,
		facteted, etc.), bounding box, color, shininess,
*.std:		ASCII detail files, as specified in shape_data(5)
*.det:		Binary detail files, as converted by make_bin from *.std to
		*.det.  Presently all of the routines read binary files,
		although the conversion is clearly an unnecessary step.
*.txc, *.txtr:	Large image files to be used for texture mapping onto polygons.
		None are included in this distribution.

banana.scn	- Scene description: two bananas in space
kln_champ.scn	- Scene description: klein bottle and champagne glass
xport_data.scn	- Scene: banana,klein bottle,champagne glass,egg,tube,column
code		- C programs to help generate objects, motions, patterns
dg		- Computer generated data
glassware	- Object description for the champagne glass
hand_built	- Objects built painfully by hand
terrains	- terrains
utah		- Objects created long ago at a mythical place called Utah

bb_to_txtr.c	- Make a texture file from a section of the big buffer
bin_tags.c	- Temporary hack to add magic numbers to binary files
circle_eye.c	-
color_bin.c	- Converts ASCII polygon or vertex color files to binary
make_bin.c	- Converts ASCII files to binary: *.std to *.det
make_obj.c	- Prompts user to make an object file: *.obj
mk_txcoords.c	- Make texture coordinates for an object
txtr_bin.c	- Convert ASCII texture coordinate files to binary

column.obj	- Object description of a column
tube.obj	- Object description of a cylinder
tube.std	- ASCII detail of polygons [see shape_data(5)]
tubend.obj	- Object description of a cone
tubend.std	- ASCII detail of polygons [see shape_data(5)]

data/glassware:	- Command file to make champagne glass texture
champagngl.obj	- Object description of champagne glass
champagngl.std	- ASCII detail of polygons [see shape_data(5)]

icosa.obj	- Object description of icosahedron
icosa.tx_std	- ASCII detail of polygons [see shape_data(5)]
icosa_pcl.std	- ASCII detail of polygons [see shape_data(5)]
icosa_vcl.std	- ASCII detail of polygons [see shape_data(5)]
square.obj	- Object description of a square
square.scn	- Scene description including a square
square.tx_std	- Texture coordinates for square
trunc_pyr.obj	- Object description of a truncated pyramid
trunc_pyr.std	- ASCII detail of polygons [see shape_data(5)]
trunc_pyr.tx_s	- 


banana.obj	- High-level object description
banana.std	- ASCII polygon detail file
egg.obj		- High-level object description
egg.std		- ASCII polygon detail file
klnbtl.obj	- High-level object description of Klein bottle
klnbtl.std	- ASCII polygon detail file

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