Graphics source in C: hsalgs/poly_zsort.c

Ken Turkowski ken at turtleva.UUCP
Fri Dec 16 14:57:05 AEST 1983

echo x - hsalgs/poly_zsort.c
cat >hsalgs/poly_zsort.c <<'!Funky!Stuff!'

/* --------------------------------------------------------------
   Clip, sort and display polygonal objects in the standard binary
   format with a reasonably regular structure not intersecting itself.

	input format is defined in "man hsalg_input"

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define TRUE             1
#define FALSE            0
#define NULLCHAR	'\0'
#define DtoR		3.14159 / 180.
#define sqr(x)    ((x)*(x))
#define LINE_LENGTH     160
#define DET_CODE	0x20746564
#define VCL_CODE	0x206C6376
#define PCL_CODE	0x206C6370
#define IN               0
#define OUTLFT           1
#define OUTRGT           2
#define OUTTOP           4
#define OUTBOT           8
#define OUTHTR          16
#define BIGNUM   100000000.
#define SUBPIX    .01 /* minimum detail size */
#define ZRES          1023.
#define SORTRES       1024
#define POLYSIZE        64
#define MAXPTS       32768  /* must be <= 32768 indexed by shorts */
#define MAXPOLYS     32768  /*  "  */
#define MAXFRNTFC    32768  /*  "  */
#define MAXVTCES    131072  /* four times the number of polys */
#define MAXLTS		16   /* maximum number of light sources */
#define MAXOBJ          64   /* maximum number of objects  */
#define HILIT_MIN      .02   /* minimum noticeable highlight intensity */
#define TRANS_MIN      .02   /* minimum noticeable transmittance */

static double ambnt,ambntcomp;                    /* lighting specifications */
static double  view_angle,cot_x,cot_y;
static short nbr_lights;
static struct {float x,y,z,r,g,b,range;} lights[MAXLTS];

static short objnum,clipping[MAXOBJ],faceted[MAXOBJ],   /* object info */
static double clrred[MAXOBJ],clrgrn[MAXOBJ],clrblu[MAXOBJ],
static short pseudo_clr,clrange[MAXOBJ],clrofset[MAXOBJ];/* pseudo color info */

static struct {float x,y,z;} pts[MAXPTS],norms[MAXPTS];
static struct {float r,g,b,t;} clrs[MAXPTS];
static short npts,npolys,tpts,tpolys,nvtces,tvtces,nclrs,tclrs;
static double zmax,zmin;
static short cnt[MAXPTS],vtces[MAXVTCES];
static short bfacing[MAXPOLYS],clp[MAXPOLYS],obj_no[MAXPOLYS];

static double matrix[16];		/* current object transform matrix */

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++ MAIN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
    struct list_entry { short ply;   long vtx;   long ptr; };

    static struct list_entry  polsort[MAXFRNTFC],*buckets[SORTRES];

    char instrg[LINE_LENGTH],keywd[LINE_LENGTH],remainder[LINE_LENGTH],dvc[8];
    short first_obj,ltop,i,quad,divisions,frmnum;
    long ivtx;
    double zscale,atof(),sqrt(),fabs();

    nocore();			/* prevent dumping core on errs */

    objnum = 0;    first_obj = TRUE;
    tpts = 0; tpolys = 0; tvtces = 0; tclrs = 0;   /* init pts and poly cnts */
    zmax = 0.0;    zmin = BIGNUM;              /* initialize for depth range */
    ambnt = .3;	   ambntcomp = .7;    nbr_lights = 0;/* light initialization */

    /* scan input for keywords */
    while ( gets(instrg) != NULL )
    {   if (strlen(instrg) > LINE_LENGTH)
				    error("poly_zsort - input line too long");
	get_term(instrg,keywd,remainder);	/* get keyword from input */

        if (strcmp(keywd,"device") == 0)	 /* get display device */
	{   sscanf(remainder,"%s %hd %hd %hd",dvc,&quad,&divisions,&frmnum);
	    if (strcmp(dvc,"fb") == 0) {  ptilinit(quad);  pseudo_clr = TRUE;  }
	    else if (strcmp(dvc,"aed") == 0) { aptilinit(); pseudo_clr = TRUE; }
	    else if (quad == 8) 		 /* big buffer pseudo_clr */
	    {  bptilinit(frmnum,divisions);   pseudo_clr = TRUE;  }
	    else 				/* pass to rgb tiler */
	    {  rgbtilinit(quad,divisions,frmnum);   pseudo_clr = FALSE;  }

	else if ( strcmp(keywd,"light") == 0 )  /* get light source info */
	{   sscanf(remainder,"%f%f%f%f%f%f%f",
            if (lights[nbr_lights].range==0.) lights[nbr_lights].range = BIGNUM;
	    if ((lights[nbr_lights].r + lights[nbr_lights].g +
						    lights[nbr_lights].b) <= 0.)
	        lights[nbr_lights].r = lights[nbr_lights].g =
						    lights[nbr_lights].b = 1.;

	else if ( strcmp(keywd,"ambient_light") == 0 )	/* get ambient light */
	{   sscanf(remainder,"%f",&ambnt);
	    ambntcomp = 1.0 - ambnt;

	else if ( strcmp(keywd,"view_angle") == 0 )	   /* get view angle */
	{   double cos(),sin();
	    cot_x = cos(DtoR * view_angle/2.) / sin(DtoR * view_angle/2.);
	    cot_y = cot_x / .75;
	    if (strcmp(dvc,"fb") == 0)
		cot_y *= 640./512.; /* adjust for pixel distortion on 512x484 */
	    else if (strcmp(dvc,"aed") == 0)
	        cot_y = cot_x * 512./483.;
	else if ( strcmp(keywd,"object") == 0 ) 	/* get an object file */
	{   if (!first_obj) 		       /* transform, etc. last object */
	    {   prepare_obj(objnum,dvc);    objnum++;   }
            npts = 0;  npolys = 0;  nvtces = 0;  nclrs = 0;  first_obj = FALSE;
	    clipping[objnum] = TRUE;

        else if ( strcmp(keywd,"transform") == 0 )  /* get eyespace transform */
            for (i=0; i<16; i+=4) sscanf(gets(instrg),"%F%F%F%F",&matrix[i],

	else if ( strcmp(keywd,"no_clipping") == 0 )	/* need clipping? */
            clipping[objnum] = FALSE;

	else if ( strcmp(keywd,"color") == 0)  /* get object color, if needed */
	{   if (pseudo_clr)  sscanf(remainder,"%hd%hd",&clrange[objnum],
	    else	     sscanf(remainder,"%F%F%F",&clrred[objnum],

	else fprintf(stderr,"bad keyword to poly_zsort - %s\n",instrg);
    prepare_obj(objnum,dvc);                   /* transform, etc. last object */

    /* ------------ get transform for z-coordinates  --------------------- */
    if (zmin < 0.0) zmin = 0.0;
    zscale = (zmax - zmin > 0)?  ZRES / (zmax - zmin) : ZRES;

    /* ------ run through polygons, if not rejected, find closest vertex
              and put pointer in appropriate bucket list ------------------  */
    ivtx = 0;   ltop = 0;    for (i=0; i<SORTRES; i++) buckets[i]=0;
    for (i=0; i<tpolys; i++)
    {   short j,jmin,size;   long k;   float min,depth;
        size = vtces[ivtx++];

	if ((clp[i] >= 0) && (!bfacing[i] || backfaces[obj_no[i]]))/*rejected?*/
        {   min = BIGNUM;
            for (k=ivtx; k<ivtx+size; k++)            /* find closest vertex */
            {   j = vtces[k];
                depth = (pts[j].z - zmin) * zscale;
                if (depth < min) min = depth;
            jmin = (min < 0.0)?  0.0 : min;
            polsort[ltop].ply = i;                   /* enter in sort bucket */
            polsort[ltop].vtx = ivtx-1;
            polsort[ltop].ptr = (long)buckets[jmin];
            buckets[jmin] = &polsort[ltop++];
            if (ltop > MAXFRNTFC)
            { fprintf(stderr,
		    "(poly_zsort) excess displayable polys!! %d > MAXFRNTFC\n",
	ivtx += size;

    /* -------- pick up polys in depth order, send to tiler ------------ */
    for (i=0; i<SORTRES; i++)
    {   short ii;
        ii = (pseudo_clr)?  (SORTRES-1 - i) : i;
        if (buckets[ii] > 0)
        {   struct { double x,y,z,r,g,b,xn,yn,zn,t; } poly [POLYSIZE],
            struct { double xn,yn,zn,r,g,b; } hl_nms[POLYSIZE][MAXLTS],
	    struct list_entry *pntr;
            short k,l,m,obj,polptr,sign,npts,nlts; long j;
            double hilite,trnsp;

            pntr = (struct list_entry *)buckets[ii];
            while (pntr > 0)
            {   polptr = pntr->ply;
                obj = obj_no[polptr];
                j = pntr->vtx;
                npts = vtces[j++];
                if (npts > POLYSIZE)
                {   fprintf(stderr,"(poly_zsort) %d > POLYSIZE\n",npts);
		    npts = POLYSIZE;
		sign = bfacing[polptr]?  -1 : 1; /* reverse nrmls if bckfcng  */

                for (l=0; l<npts; l++)                  /* copy polygon */
                {   k = bfacing[polptr]?  npts-l -1 : l;    /* reverse order  */
                    m = vtces[j++];			    /* if backfacing  */
                    poly[k].x = pts[m].x;
                    poly[k].y = pts[m].y;
                    poly[k].z = pts[m].z;

                    if (vertex_clrs[obj])		/* color per vertex */
                    {   poly[k].r = clrs[m].r * clrred[obj];
                        poly[k].g = clrs[m].g * clrgrn[obj];
                        poly[k].b = clrs[m].b * clrblu[obj];
			poly[k].t = clrs[m].t * trnsmtnce[obj];   }
                    else if (poly_clrs[obj])		/* color per polygon */
                    {   poly[k].r = clrs[polptr].r * clrred[obj];
                        poly[k].g = clrs[polptr].g * clrgrn[obj];
                        poly[k].b = clrs[polptr].b * clrblu[obj];
			poly[k].t = clrs[polptr].t * trnsmtnce[obj];   }
                    {   poly[k].r = clrred[obj];           /* solid color */
                        poly[k].g = clrgrn[obj];
                        poly[k].b = clrblu[obj];
			poly[k].t = trnsmtnce[obj];   }

                    if (!faceted[obj])			/* smooth shading */
                    {   poly[k].xn = sign * norms[m].x;
                        poly[k].yn = sign * norms[m].y;
                        poly[k].zn = sign * norms[m].z;   }

                if (faceted[obj])/* get normal vector for polygon, if faceted */
                {    struct { float x,y,z; } vec;
                     for (k=0; k<npts; k++)
                     {   poly[k].xn = sign * vec.x;	/* faceted shading */
                         poly[k].yn = sign * vec.y;
                         poly[k].zn = sign * vec.z;   }

		hilite = hilit_exp[obj];	trnsp = trns_pwr[obj];

                for (k=0; k<npts; k++)       	  /* predistort for clipping */
                {   poly[k].x *= cot_x;
		    poly[k].y *= cot_y;
                if (clp[polptr] > 0) 				     /* clip */
                if (npts > 2)
                {   for (k=0; k<npts; k++)       /* take to screen space */
                    {   poly[k].x /= poly[k].z;    poly[k].y /= poly[k].z;
                        poly[k].z = (poly[k].z - zmin) * zscale;
                    /* scan convert according to characteristics */
                    if (pseudo_clr)     ptiler(npts,poly);
                    else if ((hilite > 0.) || (trnsp > 0.))
                    else        	rgbtiler(npts,poly);
                pntr = (struct list_entry *)pntr->ptr;/* get next list elmnt */
            }   /* done with one linked list */
    }   /* done with outputting sorted list */
}   /* done with main program */

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++ GETCOLORS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
getcolors(instrg,npts,pts)			/* read in color file */
    char *instrg;  short *npts;
    struct { float r,g,b,t; } pts[];
{   FILE *input;   char fname[LINE_LENGTH];    long code;

    get_term(instrg,fname,instrg);     /* strip leading and trailing blanks */
    input = fopen(fname,"r");
    if (input == NULL)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"(poly_zsort) unable to open %s for input\n",fname);
	return;   }

    if ((code != PCL_CODE) && (code != VCL_CODE))
    {   fprintf(stderr,"warning!!  %s not labeled as color file\n",fname);
	close(input);  input = fopen(fname,"r");/* to be replaced with return */
    if (*npts > MAXPTS)
    {   fprintf(stderr," (poly_zsort) object too big!! %d > MAXPTS\n",*npts);
	*npts = 0;	return;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++ GETOBJECT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
getobject(instrg,npts,pts,npolys,nvtces,vtces)/* read in object file */
    char *instrg;  short *npts,*npolys,*nvtces,vtces[];
    struct { float x,y,z; } pts[];
{   FILE *input;    short i;    long j,code;
    char fname[LINE_LENGTH],line[LINE_LENGTH],detail_file[LINE_LENGTH];

    get_term(instrg,fname,instrg);     /* strip leading and trailing blanks */
    input = fopen(fname,"r");
    if (input == NULL)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"(poly_zsort) unable to open %s for input\n",fname);
	return;   }

    detail_file[0] = NULLCHAR;	/* nullify detail filename */

    while (fgets(line,LINE_LENGTH,input) != NULL)
    {   char term[LINE_LENGTH];
	get_term(line,term,line);	/* get keyword */

	if      (strcmp(term,"detail") == 0)

	else if (strcmp(term,"poly_colors") == 0)
	{   if (!vertex_clrs[objnum])
	    {   poly_clrs[objnum] = TRUE;
	else if (strcmp(term,"vertex_colors") == 0)
	{   if (!poly_clrs[objnum])
	    {   vertex_clrs[objnum] = TRUE;
	else if (strcmp(term,"type") == 0)
	{   get_term(line,term,line);
	    if (strcmp(term,"polygon") == 0)
	        while(strlen(line) > 4)
		{   get_term(line,term,line);
		    if      (strcmp(term,"open") == 0)
						backfaces[objnum] = TRUE;
		    else if (strcmp(term,"faceted") == 0)
						faceted[objnum] = TRUE;
	else if (strcmp(term,"color") == 0)
	else if (strcmp(term,"transmittance") == 0)

	else if (strcmp(term,"shininess") == 0)
    fclose(input);		/* close ".obj" file and open detail file */
    input = fopen(detail_file,"r");
    if (input == NULL)
	error("poly_zsort: can't open detail file %s\n",detail_file);

    fread(&code,4,1,input);  		/* read file type header */
    if (code != DET_CODE)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"poly_zsort: %s not tagged detail file\n",detail_file);
	close(input);  return;		/* not detail file, give up */
    fread(npts,2,1,input);     fread(npolys,2,1,input);
    if ((*npts > MAXPTS) || (*npolys > MAXPOLYS))
    {   fprintf(stderr,
	     " (poly_zsort) object too big!! %d > MAXPTS or %d > MAXPOLYS\n",
	*npts = 0;	*npolys = 0;	return;

    j = 0;
    for (i=0; i<*npolys; i++)
    {   short  num;    long k;
        vtces[j++] = num;
        if ((fread(&vtces[j],2,num,input) < num) || (num < 3))
 	{   fprintf(stderr," (poly_zsort) - bad polygon # %d in %s\n",i,fname);
	    j--;	continue;
		    /* offset pointers to point at vertices for right object */
        for (k=j; k<j+num; k++) vtces[k] += tpts - 1; /*-1 so ptrs strt at 0 */
        j += num;
    *nvtces = j;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++ GET_SHADES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
get_shades(npts,poly,hilit,trnsp,obj,hl_nms,nlts)/* get shades, chck on hilit */
short npts,obj,*nlts;    double *hilit,*trnsp;
struct { double x,y,z,r,g,b,xn,yn,zn,t; } poly[];
struct { double xn,yn,zn,r,g,b; } hl_nms[][MAXLTS];
{   short i,j;
    double sqrt(),pow(),fabs(),

    trans_max = 0;		/* maximum transparency for polygon */
    for (i=0; i<npts; i++)
    {   double norm_mag,dot_prod,red,grn,blu;
        norm_mag = sqrt(sqr(poly[i].xn) + sqr(poly[i].yn) + sqr(poly[i].zn));
        if (norm_mag <= 0)
	{   fprintf(stderr,"(get_shades) null normal vector");  norm_mag = 1;  }

	if (*trnsp > 0.)		     /* get transmittance at vertex */
	{    double eye_mag,cosang;
	     eye_mag = sqrt(sqr(poly[i].x) + sqr(poly[i].y) + sqr(poly[i].z));
	     cosang = (-poly[i].x * poly[i].xn - poly[i].y * poly[i].yn
		      - poly[i].z * poly[i].zn) / (eye_mag * norm_mag);
	     poly[i].t *= pow(cosang,*trnsp);
	     if (poly[i].t > trans_max)  trans_max = poly[i].t;

        red = grn = blu = 0;
        for (j=0; j<nbr_lights; j++)            /* do for each light source */
        {   double lx,ly,lz,lit_dst,atten;
            lx = lights[j].x - poly[i].x;
            ly = lights[j].y - poly[i].y;
            lz = lights[j].z - poly[i].z;
            lit_dst = sqrt(sqr(lx) + sqr(ly) + sqr(lz));  /* dist. from lite */
            atten = 1.0 - lit_dst/lights[j].range;
            atten = (atten > 0.)?  sqr(atten) : 0.;  /* distance attenuation */
            dot_prod = (poly[i].xn*lx + poly[i].yn*ly + poly[i].zn*lz) /
                                                          (norm_mag * lit_dst);
            if (dot_prod < 0.0) dot_prod = 0.0;
	    dot_prod = dot_prod*ambntcomp + ambnt;	/* ambient light */
            red += poly[i].r * dot_prod * lights[j].r * atten;
            grn += poly[i].g * dot_prod * lights[j].g * atten;
            blu += poly[i].b * dot_prod * lights[j].b * atten;

	    if (*hilit > 0.)      /* get reflection vector if hilite possible */

		if (i == 0)	    /* first vertex, set up for min-max tests */
		{   xmax[j] = xmin[j] = hl_nms[i][j].xn;
		    ymax[j] = ymin[j] = hl_nms[i][j].yn;   }
	        else           /* min-max tests for bounding box on highlight */
	        { if      (hl_nms[i][j].xn > xmax[j]) xmax[j] = hl_nms[i][j].xn;
	          else if (hl_nms[i][j].xn < xmin[j]) xmin[j] = hl_nms[i][j].xn;
	          if      (hl_nms[i][j].yn > ymax[j]) ymax[j] = hl_nms[i][j].yn;
	          else if (hl_nms[i][j].yn < ymin[j]) ymin[j] = hl_nms[i][j].yn;

        if (pseudo_clr)
            poly[i].r = dot_prod * clrange[obj] + clrofset[obj];
        {   double fac;
	    fac = 1.;			/* attenuate overflowing colors */
	    if (red > fac) fac = red;
	    if (grn > fac) fac = grn;
	    if (blu > fac) fac = blu;
	    fac = 1./fac;
	    poly[i].r = red*fac;    poly[i].g = grn*fac;    poly[i].b = blu*fac;

    *nlts = 0;	/* count number of lights which cause highlights in this poly */

    if (*hilit > 0.) for (j=0; j<nbr_lights; j++)
    {   short k;
	xmin[j] = (xmax[j]*xmin[j] < 0.)?  0. :
			((fabs(xmin[j]) < fabs(xmax[j]))? xmin[j] : xmax[j]);
        ymin[j] = (ymax[j]*ymin[j] < 0.)?  0. :
			((fabs(ymin[j]) < fabs(ymax[j]))? ymin[j] : ymax[j]);
	if (pow(1. - sqr(xmin[j]) - sqr(ymin[j]),*hilit) > HILIT_MIN)
	{   if (*nlts != j) for (k=0; k<npts; k++)/* highlight!, store normal */
            {   hl_nms[k][*nlts].xn = hl_nms[k][j].xn;
                hl_nms[k][*nlts].yn = hl_nms[k][j].yn;
                hl_nms[k][*nlts].zn = hl_nms[k][j].zn;
	    hl_nms[0][*nlts].r = lights[j].r;	/* store light source color */
	    hl_nms[0][*nlts].g = lights[j].g;
	    hl_nms[0][*nlts].b = lights[j].b;
    if ((*nlts) == 0)  *hilit = 0.;  /* zero highlight power if no highlights */
    if (trans_max < TRANS_MIN) *trnsp = 0.; /* is max. trnsmttnce noticeable? */

/* +++++++++++++++++++++ GET_TERM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
get_term(instrg,term,remainder)		/* remove first term from string */
char *instrg,*term,*remainder;  /* blanks, tabs, nulls, commas are separators */
{   short i,index1,index2;
    index1 = 0;				/* find first non-separator */
    while ((instrg[index1] == ' ') 	|| (instrg[index1] == '\t') ||
	   (instrg[index1] == NULLCHAR) || (instrg[index1] == ',' )) index1++;
    index2 = index1;			/* find next separator */
    while ((instrg[index2] != ' ') 	&& (instrg[index2] != '\t') &&
	   (instrg[index2] != NULLCHAR) && (instrg[index2] != ',' ) &&
	   (instrg[index2] != '\n'))				     index2++;
    for (i=index1; i<index2; i++)  term[i-index1] = instrg[i];
    term[i-index1] = NULLCHAR;
    while ((instrg[i] != NULLCHAR) && (instrg[i] != '\n'))
	{  remainder[i-index2] = instrg[i];  i++;  }
    remainder[i-index2] = NULLCHAR;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GET_VEC ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
get_vec(lx,ly,lz,lit_dst,vtx,nrml)   /* get vector in ideal reflection space */
double lx,ly,lz,lit_dst;
struct { double x,y,z,r,g,b,xn,yn,zn,t; } *vtx;
struct { double xn,yn,zn,r,g,b; } *nrml;
{   double eye_mag,rflx,rfly,rflz,cosa,sina,hypota,cosb,sinb,hypotb,
    eye_mag = sqrt(sqr(vtx->x) + sqr(vtx->y) + sqr(vtx->z));
    rflx = (lx/lit_dst - vtx->x/eye_mag) / 2;       /* get half-angle vector */
    rfly = (ly/lit_dst - vtx->y/eye_mag) / 2;       /* represents normal at  */
    rflz = (lz/lit_dst - vtx->z/eye_mag) / 2;       /* middle of highlight   */

    /* rotate normal into space in which half-angle vector is on z-axis */
    hypota = sqrt(sqr(rflx) + sqr(rflz));
    cosa = rflz / hypota;    sina = rflx / hypota;
    hypotb = sqrt(sqr(rfly) + sqr(hypota));
    cosb = hypota / hypotb;   sinb = rfly / hypotb;
    tx = cosa * vtx->xn - sina * vtx->zn; 		/* rotate about y */
    ty = vtx->yn;
    tz = sina * vtx->xn + cosa * vtx->zn;
    nrml->xn = tx;					/* rotate about x */
    nrml->yn = cosb * ty - sinb * tz;
    nrml->zn = sinb * ty + cosb * tz;
    tm = sqrt(sqr(vtx->xn) + sqr(vtx->yn) + sqr(vtx->zn));
    nrml->xn /= tm;    nrml->yn /= tm;    nrml->zn /= tm;	/* normalize */

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++ POLCLP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
polclp(pass,npts,pts,pt2,nlts,nmls,nml2)        /* polygon clipper (eyespace) */
    short *npts,pass;    struct { double x,y,z,r,g,b,xn,yn,zn,t; } pts[],pt2[];
    struct { double xn,yn,zn,r,g,b; } nmls[][MAXLTS],nml2[][MAXLTS];
{   short i,lk,m;   float dist,last_dist;
    if ((pass == 4) || (*npts < 3))  return;        /* completion conditions */
    last_dist = 0.0;    m = 0;    lk = 0;
    for (i=0; i<=*npts; i++)
    {   short k,l;
        k = (i == *npts) ?  0 : i;
        switch (pass)
        {   case 0: { dist = pts[k].z+pts[k].x; break; }  /* left side  */
            case 1: { dist = pts[k].z-pts[k].x; break; }  /* right side */
            case 2: { dist = pts[k].z+pts[k].y; break; }  /* bottom  */
            case 3: { dist = pts[k].z-pts[k].y; break; }  /* top  */
        if (i == 0) {  last_dist = dist;  lk = k;  continue;  } /* 1st pnt? */

        if (last_dist * dist < 0.0)  /* put out point if clip plane crossed */
        {   float t,t1;
            t = dist / (dist - last_dist);  t1 = 1.0 - t;
            pt2[m].x = pts[k].x * t1 + pts[lk].x * t;
            pt2[m].y = pts[k].y * t1 + pts[lk].y * t;
            pt2[m].z = pts[k].z * t1 + pts[lk].z * t;
            pt2[m].r = pts[k].r * t1 + pts[lk].r * t;
            pt2[m].g = pts[k].g * t1 + pts[lk].g * t;
            pt2[m].b = pts[k].b * t1 + pts[lk].b * t;
            pt2[m].xn = pts[k].xn * t1 + pts[lk].xn * t;
            pt2[m].yn = pts[k].yn * t1 + pts[lk].yn * t;
            pt2[m].zn = pts[k].zn * t1 + pts[lk].zn * t;
            pt2[m].t = pts[k].t * t1 + pts[lk].t * t;
	    for (l=0; l<nlts; l++)
	    {   nml2[m][l].xn = nmls[k][l].xn * t1 + nmls[lk][l].xn * t;
	        nml2[m][l].yn = nmls[k][l].yn * t1 + nmls[lk][l].yn * t;
	        nml2[m][l].zn = nmls[k][l].zn * t1 + nmls[lk][l].zn * t;
        if (dist >= 0.0)                            /* copy point if inside */
        {   pt2[m].x = pts[k].x;   pt2[m].y = pts[k].y;
            pt2[m].z = pts[k].z;   pt2[m].r = pts[k].r;
            pt2[m].g = pts[k].g;   pt2[m].b = pts[k].b;
            pt2[m].xn = pts[k].xn; pt2[m].yn = pts[k].yn;
            pt2[m].zn = pts[k].zn; pt2[m].t = pts[k].t;
	    for (l=0; l<nlts; l++)
	    {   nml2[m][l].xn = nmls[k][l].xn;    nml2[m][l].yn = nmls[k][l].yn;
	        nml2[m][l].zn = nmls[k][l].zn;   }
        lk = k;    last_dist = dist;
    }						   /* recurse for next plane */
    *npts = m;   polclp(++pass,npts,pt2,pts,nlts,nml2,nmls);

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++ PREPARE_OBJ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
prepare_obj(objnum,dvc)          /* transform vertices, compute normals, etc. */
short objnum;   char dvc[];
{   short i;
    /* ----- run through points, transform, find max and min in z ----- */
    for (i=tpts; i<tpts+npts; i++)
    {   transform(&pts[i],matrix,&pts[i]);
        if (pts[i].z > zmax)  zmax = pts[i].z;
        else if (pts[i].z < zmin)  zmin = pts[i].z;
        cnt[i] = IN;                                    /* set clip code */
        norms[i].x = 0; norms[i].y = 0; norms[i].z = 0; /* init. normals */
    if (clipping[objnum]) for (i=tpts; i<tpts+npts; i++)  /* tag if clipping */
    {   if ( pts[i].z < 0.0)               cnt[i] |= OUTHTR;
        if ((pts[i].x)*cot_x < -pts[i].z)  cnt[i] |= OUTLFT;
        if ((pts[i].x)*cot_x >  pts[i].z)  cnt[i] |= OUTRGT;
        if ((pts[i].y)*cot_y < -pts[i].z)  cnt[i] |= OUTBOT;
        if ((pts[i].y)*cot_y >  pts[i].z)  cnt[i] |= OUTTOP;

    /* ------------- run through polygons, check backfacing,
                     sum normals at vertices of frontfacing polys,
                     and do trivial reject/accept clip  --------------- */
    {   short in,out;    long ivtx;
        ivtx = tvtces;    in = out = 0;
        for (i=tpolys; i<tpolys+npolys; i++)
        {   struct { float x,y,z; } vec;   short size;   long j;

            size = vtces[ivtx++];
            if (clipping[objnum])           /* trivial clip test if clipping */
            {   out = 0;    in = 0;
                for (j=ivtx; j<ivtx+size; j++)
                {   out &= cnt[vtces[j]];   in |= cnt[vtces[j]];   }
            if (out)   clp[i] = -out;   /* trivial rejection, skip this one */
            {   clp[i] = in;      /* store code for trivial acceptance */
                obj_no[i] = objnum;	/* tag with object ID for shading */

                j = ivtx;            /* get normal vector, do backface test */
                j = vtces[ivtx];
                if ((vec.x*pts[j].x + vec.y*pts[j].y + vec.z*pts[j].z) >= 0.0)
                     bfacing[i] = TRUE;                        /* backfacing */
                else bfacing[i] = FALSE;

                if (!faceted[objnum])
                    for (j=ivtx; j<ivtx+size; j++)     /* sum vertex normals */
                    {   short k;                        /* if smooth shading */
                        k = vtces[j];
                        norms[k].x += vec.x;
                        norms[k].y += vec.y;
                        norms[k].z += vec.z;
            ivtx += size;                         /* increment to next poly */
    tpts += npts;    tpolys += npolys;    tvtces += nvtces;    tclrs += nclrs;

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++ TRANSFORM ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
transform(orgpt,mtx,pt)                          /* apply transform to point */
    struct { float x,y,z; } *orgpt,*pt;    double mtx[16];
{   float tx,ty,tz;
    tx = mtx[0]*orgpt->x + mtx[4]*orgpt->y + mtx[8]*orgpt->z   + mtx[12];
    ty = mtx[1]*orgpt->x + mtx[5]*orgpt->y + mtx[9]*orgpt->z   + mtx[13];
    tz = mtx[2]*orgpt->x + mtx[6]*orgpt->y + mtx[10]*orgpt->z  + mtx[14];
    pt->x = tx;    pt->y = ty;    pt->z = tz;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ X_PROD +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
X_prod(vec,pt1,pt2,pt3)                        /* vector cross-product */
    struct { float x,y,z; } *vec,pt1,pt2,pt3;
{   pt1.x = pt2.x - pt1.x;
    pt1.y = pt2.y - pt1.y;
    pt1.z = pt2.z - pt1.z;
    pt2.x = pt3.x - pt2.x;
    pt2.y = pt3.y - pt2.y;
    pt2.z = pt3.z - pt2.z;
    vec->x = pt1.y*pt2.z - pt1.z*pt2.y;
    vec->y = pt1.z*pt2.x - pt1.x*pt2.z;
    vec->z = pt1.x*pt2.y - pt1.y*pt2.x;


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