Wanted: String Concatenation

utzoo!decvax!genradbo!mitccc!jfw utzoo!decvax!genradbo!mitccc!jfw
Thu Jan 13 18:20:09 AEST 1983

Such a function would probably depend on the particular machine you are running
on (witness the hairiness of printf).
Here is a version for PDP-11 V7's (this is being written off the top of
my pointy little head, so I don't entirely guarantee it, though I have
just tested it, and it seems to work):

char *strcatx(dest,srcs)
char *dest;
	char **srcn = &srcs,*p = dest;

	/* advance p to end of dest. string */

	while (*p++)

	/* now, start catting each pointer on stack */
	for ( ; *srcn != 0; srcn++ ) {
		/* strcpy(p,**srcn) */
		while (*p++ = *(*srcn)++)
	return dest;

- John Woods, ...!genradbo!mitccc!jfw, JFW%MIT-CCC at MIT-MC

PS: It took about 15 minutes to write, test, and debug.

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