source code on the net

utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhuxt!mhuxi!mhuxj!mhuxv!burl!sb1!ll1!ihldt!ihnp4!iheds!omg utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhuxt!mhuxi!mhuxj!mhuxv!burl!sb1!ll1!ihldt!ihnp4!iheds!omg
Fri Jan 14 16:47:40 AEST 1983

It would be great if some discretion were used in distributing 
source code through the net.  I cannot understand why people
feel it is efficient to send a file with 1500 lines of code (about 90k?)
from machine to machine when a clear need for it has not been 
identified.  Our machine recently had a severe problem with rje.  The
inclusion of such large files on the net did not help the situation.

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