Window documentation from umcp-cs!chris

Bruce Cohen brucec at orca.UUCP
Sat Jul 9 05:01:30 AEST 1983

I just tried to rebuild the window documentation sent out in
net.sources so it would be readable.  After about ten passes of
editing the nroff source, I got the first few pages to come out nearly
right (no page breaks, and the figures were still screwed up, but what
the hey), so I sent it to the printer.  The result was almost 200
pages of listing, most of it blank or with a narrow ribbon of text
down the right side.   I also got a mild chewing out (justified, too)
by one of our operators for sending something to the printer without
knowing what it would do.  I thought I'd inform the news community of
the problem, and pass the second result back.  So ...

			< KINDLE >

	For God's sake (and everyone else's too) don't send out
	documentation without making sure that it can be rebuilt
	properly!  The same goes for sources for that matter.  If
	there is some esoteric macro package that should be used, let
	us know!  There was at least one command in there unknown to
	standard nroff, but -me and -man didn't work either. Is there
	a reason why -ms or -man can't be used for documentation at
	all times?  Those figure macros were cute, but they didn't
	work, so what good are they?  Have a thought for the people
	who receive what you send on the net, and remember that they
	don't necessarily all use the tools you have or know what
	your methods are.


				Bruce Cohen

				UUCP:	...!teklabs!tekecs!brucec
				CSNET:	tekecs!brucec at tektronix
				ARPA:	tekecs!brucec.tektronix at rand-relay

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