question about window package

eric at seismo.UUCP eric at seismo.UUCP
Mon Jul 11 14:43:43 AEST 1983

Does the window package allocate memory for the entire buffer  area.  Or
does it allocate memory for 'real' text only, intuiting  where  trailing
'virtual' spaces are from the length of real text on a  line.  It  seems
that the latter is essential if the package is to be used in any  screen
editor-like application with a reasonable maximum line length.  (If  the
former, with a 1K maximum  line  length,  a  5000  line  file  takes  10
megabytes (16 bits per char, remember)).

				    * Eric Holstege
				    * Caltech, Pasadena, CA.
				    * (eric at cit-vax)
				    * (...!ucbvax!cithep!citcsv!eric)
				    * (...!research!citcsv!eric)

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