more window documentation.

Richard H Cole rhcole at watcgl.UUCP
Mon Jul 11 12:39:24 AEST 1983

** small flame **
Ah come on its not that hard to figure out that if the documentaion does
not have ms macros in it that it is probably using the me macros.
I had no problems with either the source or the documentaion. Hanoi
ran right off with no problems. 
Admittedly it is a good idea to state what macros if any are being used
or what libraries need to be loaded with hanoi, but I wish all the 
source that has come over the net was as well organized or as easy to
get going. I'm still working on the curses update and the program
to program the keys on the ann arbor ambasidors/genie's was down
right wrong, it did not agree with the documetation..............

Oh well enough of that.
Keep that source comming.
	richard h cole	, rhcole at watcgl

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