Vnews speed improvement [second posting]

ka at spanky.UUCP ka at spanky.UUCP
Wed Jun 8 04:51:13 AEST 1983

# I was impressed with stolaf!borman's code to speed up readnews.
# It decreased the time for vnews -x -n net.misc to find the first
# article from 80 seconds to 1.5 seconds.  To install his changes
# into vnews, feed the body of this article into the shell.  This
# is supposed to work even if you have made local changes, but the
# original visual.c will be moved to OLDvisual.c so you can do a
# diff to be sure.  The call to growlin will be fixed if you haven't
# already changed it.

mv visual.c OLDvisual.c
(sed 's/	//' | ed OLDvisual.c) <<\!
		if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
			/* since there can be holes in legal article numbers, */
			/* we wait till we hit 5 consecutive bad articles */
			/* before we haul off and scan the directory */
			if (++noaccess < 5)
				goto badart;
			fp = fopen(dirname(groupdir), "r");
			if (fp == NULL) {
				msg("Can't open %s", dirname(groupdir));
	#ifdef	DEBUG
		fprintf(stderr, "can't open groupdir (%s)\n", dirname(groupdir));
				noaccess = 0;
				goto badart;
			nextnum = rflag ? 0 : ngsize;
			while (fread(&dir, sizeof(dir), 1, fp) == 1) {
				if (!dir.d_ino)
				tnum = atol(dir.d_name);
	#ifdef	DEBUG
		fprintf(stderr, "art %s (%ld) next %ld\n", dir.d_name, tnum, nextnum);
	#endif	DEBUG
				if (tnum <= 0)
				if (rflag ? (tnum > nextnum && tnum < bit)
					  : (tnum < nextnum && tnum > bit))
					nextnum = tnum;
			if (rflag ? (nextnum >= bit) : (nextnum <= bit))
				goto badart;
			do {
			} while (rflag ? (nextnum < bit) : (nextnum > bit));
			obit = -1;
			aabs = FALSE;
			goto nextart;
	#ifdef	DEBUG
		fprintf(stderr, "bit %d nextnum %ld\n", bit, nextnum);
	#endif	DEBUG
		} else
			noaccess = 0;
		if (hread(&h, fp, TRUE) == NULL
		int noaccess;
		struct direct dir;
		long nextnum, tnum;
		long atol();

	0;/^ \* Kludge: space/;.c
	 * Kludge: space so that routines can access beyond
	0;/^#include "rparams\.h"$/a
	#include <sys/dir.h>
	w visual.c

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