bcopy, bcmp, bzero for 4.1BSD (System V versions)

Tony L. Hansen hansen at pegasus.UUCP
Sun Aug 26 04:48:14 AEST 1984

<					(Otherwise, why not rewrite
< these for your particular machine and *install* it in your C library?)
< --Chris Torek, U of MD CS/EE, seismo!umcp-cs!chris, chris at maryland.ARPA,

Why not instead install the standard System V routines memcpy, memcmp and
memset? There was even a public domain version of those routines posted not
too many months ago. (Beware the switched operands in bcopy.)

#define bcmp(s1, s2, count)	memcmp((s1), (s2), (n))
#define bcopy(from, to, count)	memcpy((to), (from), (count))
#define bzero(addr, count)	memset((addr), 0, (count))

					Tony Hansen

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