Version of tee(1) that uses fcopen(3)

Geoff Kuenning geoff at callan.UUCP
Sat Aug 25 09:38:31 AEST 1984

: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
: The rest of this file will extract:
: README tee.c
echo extracting - README
sed 's/^X//' > README << '/*EOF'
X Oops.  Nothing like saying you are posting something and then forgetting
X to include it to make you feel stupid.  Here's my promised public-domain
X version of 'tee', which uses 'fcopen' instead of 'fopen'.
X	Geoff Kuenning
X	Callan Data Systems
X	...!ihnp4!wlbr!callan!geoff
echo extracting - tee.c
sed 's/^X//' > tee.c << '/*EOF'
Xstatic char	Sccs_Id[] = "@(#)mytee.c	1.3	3/23/84 00:09:49";
X#include <stdio.h>
Xextern FILE *	fcopen ();		/* Open a file or a command */
Xint		main (			/* Tee, but using fcopen () */
X			argc,		/* Argument count */
X			argv)		/* Argument vector */
X    register int	argc;		/* Argument count */
X    register char *	argv[];		/* Argument vector */
X    {
X    register int	ch;		/* Character read from input stream */
X    char		buf[100];	/* Buffer for error message */
X    FILE *		files[_NFILE];	/* Array of output streams */
X    register int	curfile;	/* Current file index */
X    int			nobufs = 0;	/* Nonzero to suppress stdio buffers */
X    register int	numfiles;	/* Total number of files open */
X    char *		opentype = "w";	/* Type of open to do */
X    int			status;		/* Return status from program */
X	Open all files
X    if (argc > 1  &&  *argv[1] == '-')
X	{
X	++argv;
X	--argc;
X	while (*++(argv[0]))
X	    if (**argv == 'a')
X		opentype = "a";
X	    else if (**argv == 'u')
X		nobufs = 1;
X	    else
X		{
X		fprintf (stderr, "Usage:  tee [-au] [files]\n");
X		return 1;
X		}
X	}
X    for (numfiles = 0;  --argc > 0  &&  numfiles < _NFILE;  )
X	{
X	files[numfiles] = fcopen (*++argv, opentype);
X	if (files[numfiles] == (FILE *) NULL)
X	    {
X	    sprintf (buf, "tee:  Failed to open %s", *argv);
X	    perror (buf);
X	    status = 1;
X	    }
X	else
X	    {
X	    if (nobufs  ||  isatty (fileno (files[numfiles])))
X		setbuf (files[numfiles], (char *) NULL);
X	    numfiles++;
X	    }
X	}
X    if (nobufs  ||  isatty (fileno (stdout)))
X	setbuf (stdout, (char *) NULL);
X	Copy input to all output files and standard output
X    while ((ch = getchar ()) != EOF)
X	{
X	for (curfile = 0;  curfile < numfiles;  curfile++)
X	    putc (ch, files[curfile]);
X	putc (ch, stdout);
X	}
X    for (curfile = 0;  curfile < numfiles;  curfile++)
X	status |= fcclose (files[curfile]);
X    return status;
X    }

	Geoff Kuenning
	Callan Data Systems

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