Orphaned Response

ajs at hpfcla.UUCP ajs at hpfcla.UUCP
Wed Aug 15 05:53:00 AEST 1984

> This is the line:
> cat >foo.h<<'Funky!Stuff'
> What the heck does this mean ?

UN*X is a usable  system.  Therefore  it is  complicated  (perhaps  more
visibly than need be...).  Therefore there are and always will be things
that seem new and arcane.  If everyone who wondered  about  something of
this  nature  asked  about it in public -- can you imagine the glut that
would ensue?  (Maybe it partly already has, but anyway...)

Moral:  Please  apply a bit of common sense and  research.  In this case
you might say to  yourself,  "Looks like  something  the shell  handles.
Hmmm...  Let's grep /usr/man/cat1/sh.1 for '<<'."  Do that, and you will
find out all about "here" documents.

Please don't take this as a personal insult.  I'm using your question as
an example.  Please, people, read the manuals, when they exist!

Alan Silverstein, hpfcla!ajs

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