Orphaned Response

barrett barrett at hpcnoe.UUCP
Sat Aug 18 11:04:00 AEST 1984

# Well, the ANSI termcap entry originally posted is close to being correct. 
# I think though that some of the lines need to be changed.  Here is a 
# list of the changes that can be made.  
# 1) The : before each \ is redundant.  It should be removed.
# 2) ae and as should be specified as ASCII SI and SO since these sequences
#    are independent of the alternate character set selected.
# 3) The cl sequence can be shortened by eliminating the ';'  (?)
# 4) The cs sequence has a typo of \e instead of \E.
# 5) The kh sequence is a weird case. This is because the VT100 has no
#    home key.  My terminal will not transmit this key unless keypad
#    transmit is enabled and then it will send \E[>0s  
# 6) sf and sr are wrong in the given termcap. I have corrected them here.
# 7) Numerous capabilities need to be included for the possibility of
#    the multi-page mode being in effect. These include da, db.
# 8) Other features need to be added as well such as ml and mu, bt, labels.
# 9) I like so to be halfbright inverse video rather then full inverse.
#10) Automatic margins should not be specified because of strange behavior
#    in Column 80 on the VT100.  Try it and see.
# the lines which change are included as follows:
# (delete the old lines in the original, cat with this file and sort)
# Let me know if I have made any mistakes here.
# I can post an updated version of the ANSI termcap if requested.
# Dave Barrett 		    8/06/84 Hewlett-Packard, Ft Collins Co. 
# hplabs!hp-dcd!barrett

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